It has a ton of cool features that I discovered while playing around with it taking pictures of the babies in Calgary. I took lots of pictures and deleted lots of pictures!
Once I got to Cranbrook I did not take as many pictures but I did manage to take a few around the old family property.
Cranbrook has quite the deer problem and these are a couple of pictures of the deer right in my parents back yard. There is a You tube video floating around out there of a deer in Cranbrook that had just given birth and then attacked a dog that the doe thought was getting a little too close for comfort. There are just hundreds of deer wandering the streets of Cranbrook -- every year I go there it seems there are more and more deer around.
This is a picture of the old barn out the back. It was lovely and green this year and not too hot - which was nice. Some summers I go there it is well in the 30's and just too darn hot for me.
Not super technical pictures but I am certainly enjoying the new camera. Maybe now I will blog a bit more!!!