There has been a large number of Snowy Owls spending the winter in the Ladner B.C area so today we took a drive out there to see them. It was wonderful to see them! We saw about 12-15. We heard that last weekend there were 30-40 out there.
We got a few great pictures. They were just sitting along the drift wood along the beach. We think this is a female as she has a bit more grey/brown on her and the males are mostly white. Isn't she beautiful - and they are quite large birds. We also saw a couple of other brown owls - I think they were called Short eared owls.
This eagle was sitting on this pole when we got there - and was still on the pole when we were leaving. I think she was finding all the activity quite entertaining!
There were hundreds of people out there! It was amazing. When Jim suggested we go out there - I thought it would be a lovely little walk along the dyke to see the owls - just the two of us! Oh the people - and their cameras! Oh my goodness. Most of the people there had cameras with lenses the size of a small car!! Good heavens. Look at all the cars!!
Jim brought the spotting scope - which was nice to have. The binoculars were good but you could get an even better look through the spotting scope. Quite a few people stopped as we were looking and we let them look through the spotting scope as well.
And here is a quick quilt picture. I have finished it completely now and it is for the neighbours who had a baby girl (Charlie) in November. Jim keeps telling them -- Pam has something for you!! I had decided to do a little stitchery of a bird for the label - so typical me - I am slow! I hope to get the label finished and sewn on this weekend. I have never really done any embroidery - maybe one item as a young child. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon - because I need another "something" to shop for!!
Last weekend we were at the boat show in Seattle. That is a blog post in itself! But those photos are on another camera.