I was lucky enough to go to the APNQ show with 15 of my "quilting peeps". We stayed two nights at a hotel downtown Seattle and had a marvelous time -- saw the show, shopped, and had a couple of wonderful meals. We carpooled down to Seattle. A three hour drive from Vancouver took over 8 hours each way - there are a bunch of great quilt shops along the road to Seattle. I stopped in Wendy's favourite little shop in Bellingham "Two Thimbles" I bought a bunch of Jo Morton fabric there. Great place to shop!!
I have been busy getting ready for my own guild's quilt show since I got back from Seattle. The Lions Gate Quilter's Guild show is September 19, 20, 21 st. I am in charge of the merchant's mall portion of the show. We have acquired a little extra space in our venue late in the planning process ( July!!) so the Quilt show committee decided to add extra merchants -- 5 extra. So I have been busy lining up the extra merchants and getting all the letters out - cheques from the merchants and such. I need to have all this done before we leave on our trip to the Arctic Circle ----- and beyond. So I have been busy - plus working here and there. I will not be getting back from our trip until the day before the show is opening -- how's that for cutting it close!!
Here is a picture of a bear in the backyard - this was one day last week. Just a little guy - probably born this spring.
Also there were three Racoons on the deck trying very hard to get into the closed in area of the sundeck to eat some of the tomatoes - good thing the sliding glass door was shut. The neighbours are finding they are coming in their house and eating the cat food. Cute little guys -- I think Jenny would have been pretty excited to see these guys but she was fast asleep when they showed up.
And here is my entry for the quilt show. I just finished the binding two days ago. There is a small amount of hand quilting left to do and I was going to take it on the trip to the Yukon to finish it up but I managed to complete it enough for the show. I need to do a bit more hand quilting in the top section with the gold stars - but it is ready enough for the show and I am not going to take it with me. I think I will take a couple of Dear Jane blocks to work on - not sure how much I will get done but just in case...........
We are leaving very early Saturday morning. I am working two day shifts - Thursday and Friday. So Jim will be finishing up the packing and taking the bird off to the person who will watch her while we are away. Jenny is coming along - so hopefully she isn't too car sick this trip. We will be driving up to Whitehorse -- 2500 kms -- in the first three days. There is a couple of quilt shops in Whitehorse from what I can see online. We will then be getting an RV - and driving north to Dawson City -- up the Dempster Highway and past the Arctic Circle to Inuvik. I am sure it will be quite the adventure. I am sure will will take lots of pictures and hopefully it doesn't snow and we don't get eaten by Blackflies. Jim wants to see caribou and grizzly bears and maybe a wolf or two.