Saturday, December 09, 2006

New Chair

 Posted by Picasa

This is a bit of a test post. I was able to post this picture from Picasa by shutting off the backlinks as recommended by Blog help. Still can't see the darn thing though. I am not sure what it means to have the backlinks turned off, but that was what was suggested to do. Can you tell I am a bit obsessive about this!!

This is a picture of the new chair - so nice a comfortable. Sofa picture to follow. This is our Christmas present this year. I must get back to quilting!! I have a Christmas stocking to make yet and it is the 9th of December.


  1. I can see the pictures you are posting just fine. Thanks for the tip about Picasa--I have not been able to use Picasa to post pictures since upgrading to Beta either. The chair looks great! I also have a Christmas stocking to make before Christmas! We must be on the same wavelength!

  2. Your chair is just Wonderful....... I will look forward to seeing the sofa................
