Sunday, July 30, 2006

Technology and me

I think every post needs a picture. This is an eagle that was sitting on the dock on the water. I took this picture by putting my digital camera up to the eye piece of our spotting scope on our deck.

I have been watching the eagle web cam from Sannich and watching the baby eagles grow from these tiny little balls of fluff to full sized birds and then take flight. It was quite amazing to watch them grow and fledge.

Maybe a lot of my blogging experience is like a baby eagle growing and fledging. It has been interesting to start blogging ( I became a blogger because of a chef named Hans ) I had no idea about blogging when I decided to start and then discovered all these wonderful quilters who were showing what they were doing with their quilting. Now I am trying to figure out more and more in the blogging world. I then heard about Bloglines ---- my goodness that took me most of one day - I thought I needed to know some kind of OMPL or was it OPML code -- I quickly contacted Eric ( the family computer expert) who reassured me that I should be able to do it ( although he wasn't really sure what IT was) without writing computer code. He was right, with some struggle I set up a bloglines account. Seems like a nifty idea.

Now - Cathy in Ireland decides to give instructions on how to post pictures down the side of the blog ( aka -- "sidebar" in computer talk) well I decided I should try to do that!! Completely beyond my comprehension apparently ---it looks so good on her blog, all the quilts lined up down the side of the blog. I really want to do it.

I will have to talk to Eric again.


  1. Wish I could come over for some chips and salsa and a Caesar. Looks yummy!!!

  2. Pam I am technically challenged when it comes to all this html stuff and so on. I can't seem to even figure bloglines out. I am just happy to have found blog land and being a part of it! Take Care.
